Friday, May 23, 2008

Where's Brian?

Oh... there he is. If you look closely, you might be able to see the hazy silhouette of a soldier. That's Brian in his new uniform. He used to wear camo that looked like this....

In my opinion, it's more attractive. But the Armed Forces didn't ask me. Brian is finally switching over to the new pattern. I'm sure it works wonders in desert combat, but unfortunately, in L.A., camoflague doesn't have the right effect. Still... I have to admit, that I secretly love to see Brian walk through the door wearing this.

1 comment:

Caleb and Suzy said...

I love your little comments about military... Men in Uniform... GOOD LOOKIN!!!
I totally agree with you, the New Air force unis are ugly.. especially the blue boots. i also liked the old Camo too.