Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our First Baby Photos

The masses have been clamoring for more 'baby' info. We have to balance how much information we provide to the press because as you know both the NBA and WNBA have their scouts watching and waiting.

Caroline went to the doctor this past week while I was traveling with the military in snowy Wyoming. Dr Amersi did an ultrasound and found everything good and healthy. Our baby weighs about 12 ounces which isn't so alarming except that the doctor thinks that we are further along than previously calculated. The new due date is June 18th.

For your enjoyment, here are a few photos of Baby Merrell:

This last one is Caroline's favorite. I think that we need to teach our baby a little bit about modesty but as they say, "boys will be boys!"


Caleb and Suzy said...

That is so exciting. He will sure be a handsome one. Glad you finally updated your blog. I've been waiting.
Love the pictures,

Alisha said...

I love the pictures! I'm excited to see more pictures of your little boy!