Thursday, October 9, 2008

Protecting Marraige

This November, Californa voters will once again take a stance on marraige. In 2000, Proposition 22 was passed by a 61% majority vote, establishing the legal deffinition of marraige as between a man and a woman. Earlier this year, 4 judges in San Francisco overturned the people's vote, legalizing same sex marraige.

The proposition is on the ballot again, this time as Proposition 8. Brian and I want to join our voices with those who support the traditional family. We believe in the sanctity of marraige between a man and woman and it's central place in our Heavenly Father's plan.

Vote YES on Prop 8!

Check out this neat video made by our friends.


The Wyler Family said...

hey, do you know if i can find that video somewhere on the web. for some reason i can't watch it on your blog. maybe it's just my computer, but i'd really like to see it. :)

Brian Merrell said...