Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Brian's New Calling

The 1st Counselor in our ward, the Santa Monica 3rd Ward, was called as a Stake High Counselor this past week which left a vacancy in the Bishopric. Brian was released as the 2nd Counselor and called to serve as the 1st Counselor to the Bishop. Mike Hammari is the new 2nd Counselor. Following the pattern of the past few years Mike is one of single fellows in the ward. After all of the callings were shifted around the Bishop commented that the Lord sure must have a sense of humor to assemble a group like ourselves. :)


Juliette said...

Good for you Brian, all you needed was one more thing to keep you busy. And for you Caroline, your blog looks great, so i don't know what your talking about. Love you guys!

Shannon Jones Grossman said...

Congratulations!!! Caroline, I am getting your messages, I am sorry I haven't called you back. I am such a bad friend. Your blog is great! I miss you!

joanna said...

Caroline! Sounds like you guys are doing well...congrats on the MBA(not really suprised Brian, you're a smart guy) and you'll do great in the new calling.Way to go guys! And I'm glad you found our blog, we're definitly still learning! We love and miss you! Joanna and boys

Lori said...

Congratulations on your wedding! You looked so beautiful on your big day! It's so fun to see all of your pictures. I am so excited to keep in touch (hopefully I can do better). It sure sounds like you married a great guy! I'm so happy for you--but I think he's pretty lucky too! Take care and talk to you later!

Alisha said...

Caroline...I was checking out Lori's blog and read your comment with the link to your blog. I have been waiting to find out that some more of my former teammates had joined the blog revolution...I am hooked as a way of keeping up with my friends. I love the wedding pictures...check my blog out at alishathornton.blogspot.com.

Jess said...

Love your wedding pics you are so beautiful! You guys are so busy, so I love to get updates from the blog!! Keep it coming!