Monday, November 21, 2011

sing a song of sixpence

Johnny loves to sing. If he's not sleeping or eating, then he's singing. I've been keeping a running list of songs he knows and it's getting pretty long. He surprises me almost daily with a new song that I didn't know he knew. We have been attending a little Music Makers class at church for the past year. He's very shy and reserved in class and doesn't ever sing along or do the hand movements or participate like many of the other children his age, but I'm realizing that he's like a little sponge soaking it all in. The songs are starting to come out little by little and it's so fun to see how much he is learning. This is one of my favorite songs that he sings:


Team Furnival said...

Cute! That's a hard song! I don't think I can even sing all the words to that song.

Marissa said...

So cute! I love a little boy that's willing to sing!!!