Monday, June 14, 2010

Uh oh!

Walking! Well, only when he feels like it. Which isn't too terribly often yet. But while at the airport on our trip to CT last week, the wide 0pen spaces in the airport enticed Johnny to take a little stroll. He's soooo wobbly and like you'll see in the video, his legs turn into wet noodles when you try to pick him up and get him walking again after he falls down. But it's pretty cute if you ask me.


Chelsea said...

So cute! It's been tooooo long since I've heard your voice.

Rebecca said...

WOW! Go Johnny go!

I think I see some athletic ability already.

Elizabeth & Matthew said...

He does great! Twice a week my daughter Brayli gets babysat by my friend who has a one year old. Brayli likes to do, or at least try to do, everything Aftyn does. I think thats why she is walking already. She's 3 months younger but is determined to catch up.

Shane, Liz and all the Crew said...

He is so stinking cute! :) love him! And you love your laugh! :)

Shane, Liz and all the Crew said...

i think that last post was by mark...but I agree! he is adorable and we can't wait to see him in 12 days!
happy birthday, honey,

Gwendolyn said...

Oh man I love this! Those spaghetti legs are sooo great :)

julia said...

his wobble legs post walking are adorable. i'm working w/ro to catch up so they can run around together!