Saturday, May 8, 2010

Favorite Things

Unrolling the toilet paper
seeing how close he can get to the edge
playing with the flour and sugar in the pantry
story time with dad
getting his teeth brushed
standing up in the bathtub
unloading the dishwasher
Cafe Rio (okay maybe that's my favorite thing)

at 10 months:
25 lbs
32 1/2 inches


Team Furnival said...

That toilet paper thing is cute now but it won't be the 5000th time he does it. Kate still gets it spinning off the role as fast as she can whenever she can. Sometimes I make the kids just use it off the floor. Haha bad mom. Very cute pics of Johnny. It was fun to share the Disneyland experience with you! We'll have to do it again soon!

Alisha said...

Too cute!

Julie Ellena said...

He is so cute and looks like he is real busy exploring the world.
Brandon and Suzanne's little Dylan was 1 on Thursday and that day he spilled a whole gallon of syrup. He was swimming in it and having a great time. Suzanne said she couldn't get mad, after all it was his birthday. Thank goodness they have tile floor.

camfox said...

What a hard worker! (I learned in a child development class that their "play" is really hard work for them). What a fun and happy kid Caroline. Happy Mother's Day.

Gwendolyn said...

Those are some of Sinjin's favorite things too! It was so fun to see you guys today--let us know the next time you're heading to Cafe Rio, we're in!

Deborah said...

Thanks for coming by my classroom. We loved see you.