Tuesday, September 15, 2009

11 months... err, weeks

we were in the mother's lounge at church doing our usual thing when in walked a lady from another ward that i'd never met before with a teeny, tiny screaming baby. our small talk conversation went something like this:

me: "ohhhhh, a brand new baby!"
lady: "yep, she's 8 weeks."
me thinking to myself: "opps, i thought she was younger than that."
lady: "how old is yours?"
me: "11"
lady: "11 months. what a great age."
me thinking to myself: "no. weeks. 11 weeks. he just barely learned how to hold up his own head! oh well, i'll just go with it. i'm kind of tired of explaining why my child is a giant."
me: "yep. he's really fun."

here are a few pictures of our 11 month old at 11 weeks.

p.s. the adorable lamby jacket might reappear in about a month as a Halloween costume. it's just so cute, i couldn't wait (thanks connie).


Chelsea said...

Okay now that is funny. I would love to see him compared to another baby...too bad we don't live closer. You should post weekly updates on his weight and height...it facinates me!

Team Furnival said...

He is the CUTEST little lambie EVER! I've been sad about that coat because I thought he'd way outgrow it before he ever got to wear it, which he will before winter is over, so thanks for taking a picture! I love it!!!

Karen said...

That giant little man baby of yours just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Thanks for keeping us posted!

Juliette said...

What an idiot! but he sure is cute!

Masha said...

Haha, you are too funny :) And Johnny is too cute!

camfox said...

That is so funny Caroline! Your Giant Baby. I'm sure this scenario will repeat its self many a time. Good thinking to just go with it.

JLea said...

too funny and too cute... I miss you guys. Jorja

Grandma Merrell said...

Hey cutie patutie Momma! The way you word your posts always makes me laugh and gives me such a lift for the day. That has to be the CUTEST baby on the face of the planet!

Mama Beus said...

Oh my gosh he is getting so big! That is a funny story! He is adorable!

Katie Bell said...

Um....Do you think that the lamb costume will still fit in a month? Just a thought....Katie (Bolander)

The Wyler Family said...

very funny! people always assume hannah is a boy, even when i have her all in pink. it's probably because i don't put headbands on her very often. anyway, i just go with it too. it's easier that way... until they ask "his" name. hannah isn't really an either gender name.

anyway, he is adorable! i love the coat!

Gwendolyn said...

I keep meaning to tell you, I've told this story to multiple people because it's so hilarious. Love 'little' Johnny!