we were in the mother's lounge at church doing our usual thing when in walked a lady from another ward that i'd never met before with a teeny, tiny screaming baby. our small talk conversation went something like this:
me: "ohhhhh, a brand new baby!"
lady: "yep, she's 8 weeks."
me thinking to myself: "opps, i thought she was younger than that."
lady: "how old is yours?"
me: "11"
lady: "11 months. what a great age."
me thinking to myself: "no. weeks. 11 weeks. he just barely learned how to hold up his own head! oh well, i'll just go with it. i'm kind of tired of explaining why my child is a giant."
me: "yep. he's really fun."
here are a few pictures of our 11 month old at 11 weeks.
p.s. the adorable lamby jacket might reappear in about a month as a Halloween costume. it's just so cute, i couldn't wait (thanks connie).