Tuesday, August 25, 2009

8-weeks Strong

Caroline took Jonathan in for his 8-week check-up. The doctor gave all indications that he passed with flying colors.

Johnny measured 26 inches long and weighed 16 lbs 1 oz. The average measurements for babies that are 8 weeks old are 23 inches long and 11 lbs 8 oz.

The 95th percentile measurements for babies 8 weeks old are 24.75 inches long and 14 lbs 8 oz.

So after doing a double take at Jonathan's charts and back at him, the doctor said, "Basically, out of all of the babies in the whole world who are 8 weeks old, he's is the biggest!"

He has at least outdone over 99% of all babykind. I did a little online baby height predictor and it said that based on his Mom and Dad's heights (and good looks) he ought to be about 6'7" tall when he finishes growing...plus or minus 4 inches. Can you imagine a 6'11" Merrell. Yikes!


Kricket said...

I know a lot of cool tall people and so I think 6 ft. 11 in sounds great!

Baxter's said...


About us said...

That's so cool that you can predict your baby's height!! Some tall beautiful girl is going to be very lucky :)

Team Furnival said...

YAY JOHN JOHN! Way to be!

The Wyler Family said...

great updates. i love the blessing day pics. you guys look great!

Gwendolyn said...

Jonathan you are a champ! Actually, Caroline YOU are the champ--fattening a baby is hard work (but it burns calories!).

camfox said...

Wow. That's huge!