Johnny started preschool this fall and loves it. He goes two mornings a week for a couple of hours. For as shy as he is, Johnny surprisingly didn't have a hard time saying goodbye and walking into class on the first day. He's very independent, smart, and observant. He loves to learn and teach his little brothers. He spends hours coloring and drawing. He often asks to make cards for his grandmas and has become a whiz on the computer.
A couple of months ago one of our moving boxes turned into the Octopod (from the boys favorite show, The Octonauts). We've gotten a lot of mileage out of this box. The boys have spent a lot of time playing in it and Brian patiently added all the buttons Johnny asked for like the octo-alert, rocket boosters, emergency stop button, a laser gun, water gun, claws, wind shield wipers, drinking fountain, radio, computer screen and dashboard. Then he asked for a sausage gun. Brian asked him if he was going to shoot the bad guys with sausage. Johnny said, "No, I'm gonna shoot the sausages into a big pile and eat them." He then asked for a banana gun. I guess sausage and banana are his favorite foods.
Its so fun to watch Johnny grow up. We are so proud of him and love him so much. He is the perfect first boy for our family.