Saturday, November 21, 2009

new toy

I've been trying not to clutter up the house (aka one bedroom apartment) with tons of baby gear cause it sure ain't getting any bigger. And there are so many baby things out there - bouncers, play mats, excersaucers, walkers, jungle gyms, climbing walls, etc., etc. I've been weary of buying any of these things... before you know it, you're moving the regular furniture out to make room for the toys. And what if he doesn't even like it? Well, I found this little jumper thing for $10 online... and it had the baby's name all over it. Literally. So, I thought we'd give it a shot.

And the verdict... he LOVES it! $10 well spent. And even better, it folds up real small like when it's time to put it away! Can't believe my baby is jumpin' around!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no, he's growing up;)


Melissa said...

where did you find your Johnny jump up for $10? I'd let to get one too. I'm only finding site for $20 or more.

Team Furnival said...

I LOVE how happy he looks just a jumpin' away! He is so cute! Melissa- I will mail you my Johnny Jump-Up.

camfox said...

Moses was a major jumper! He had skills! The girls, not so much. Take videos! These times will not last long. Cute, happy boy.