Tuesday, November 17, 2009

J & M

That stands for Junior and Mom. We're pretty much best friends these days. I can kiss his chubby cheeks thousands of times a day, and never get tired of it. I figure that I've got to get as many in as possible before he becomes an adult and won't let me do it anymore. He is such a happy baby. He's a lot like his dad. Just happy to be here. My favorite time of day is when he wakes up in the morning. His eyes are always puffy and squinty but he gives me the biggest smiles when I peek over the edge of his crib. He makes me soooo happy.


Team Furnival said...

Yay! Thanks for the updates! He is such a handsome little man!

The Wyler Family said...

he is a cutie! so fun. that's great that you got to go home. it's always nice to spend time with family.

camfox said...

What a cute post Caroline. I'm so happy for you. Babies are pretty great. Especially happy babies.

Lori said...

I've been out of the blogging loop for a while, and had to catch up on your sweet little arrival! He is so precious! I looked back at his pictures and they all make me smile--what a sweetheart! Congratulations! Hope all is well! You look wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I do love puffy eyed, wild hair, warm body pajamma mornings. (I love them so much, we try to stay that way as long as the day allows! :) )
We miss you both already! It was so fun to have you here for a week... that week went way too fast!
Can't wait until right after CHRISTMAS!!
P.S. Your wish is my command...NEW BLOG!

agirlnamedgay said...

what a good lookin boy you have! looks like you're having a lot of fun...i love it!