Monday, January 11, 2010

I don't know what to say

I needed a few things from the store, so I sent B. I told him to pick up something extra that he'd like to eat this week. Most men might grab a large piece of meat. Right? Mine, well... this:

Honey, sweetheart, dear. Why are you so weird?


Team Furnival said...

What is that?

julia said...

i used to hate those. but..cut them up like thin cabbage, and saute them in a pan of a little butter and some salt. then drizzle with balsalmic.


Deborah said...

Cut them in fourths, a little butter, and a bit of onion, saute until tender....Billy's favorite!

Grandma Merrell said...

You can take the boy off the farm but you can't take the farm outta the boy!