Sunday, October 5, 2008

My first hair cut

A couple of weeks ago we got a parking ticket when we went to a friend's going away party in Santa Monica. To make up for the $47 hit to our bank account, Brian decided that he would give up his bi-monthly trip to the barber shop and have me cut his hair instead. I don't think it turned out too bad for my first (okay maybe second) haircut ever.


Chelsea said...

I think it looks great. And you even faded it! I cut Kyle's hair, but could really use some lessons on fading.

Juliette said...

Lookin' good, Brian your a handsome fella. And for Caroline, I am impressed!

Shane, Liz and all the Crew said...

good job, angel. i cut dad's hair last week and got it WAY TOO short right behind his ears.....right where he couldn't see and i didn't volunteer the information! i guess its a good haircut if you don't know any better!
brian's looks great...but just remember that little tip....what he can't see doesn't exist!

About us said...

I conquer with the three last comments. Great job! Very impressive, one of your many talents sweetie :)

Team Furnival said...

Handsome no matter how you cut it!!!

Kim, Byron H & M said...

I'm very impressed. Both by the haircut and that Brian let you do it. Byron won't let me near his hair (and probably with good reason.) I haven't seen you guys in so long (except when Brian rubbed my pregnant belly in passing at the stake center the other night!!) But I just got caught up on your blog. I'm glad you guys are doing so well!!!

The Wyler Family said...

i cut david's hair every time. it still totally freaks me out. he never cares though, even when i say "oops!" :)

Grandma Merrell said...

You are awesome! I learned how to cut hair at an old Homemaking meeting (Enrichment night) and after that my husband, boys and father-in-law had me cut their hair for years. My Father-in-law was the Bishop at the time and then the Stake President and boy it made me nervous to cut his hair because then the whole stake would see my mis-stakes! I always used scissors and never really mastered clippers. Bri-bri looks great!